-prepare yourself-


Most people on our beautiful planet have no idea who really rules the world, what they are up to, and what the future of the world population will be. Despite the fact that millions of people have already woken up worldwide,…the vast majority of the world’s population is still unaware of this.   Cries like; “The New World Order” and “U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation plan” or “Codex Alimentarius” and “secret societies” to name just a few randomly chosen,… say little to nothing for most people. In order not to scare you too much as an unsuspecting reader, here is the world situation in a nutshell !

Our known world has been hijacked since 48 B.C. at the birth of the Roman Empire, which in 325 AD. transformed from a military/political governing body into a Christian religious/political governing body, what we now know today as; “The Vatican”, with its worldwide army since the year 1544 of political soldiers (dressed up as so-called “peace-loving” religious figures) the Jesuits !   The Vatican has an agenda ! This agenda is publicly stated on the “Georgia Guidestones” (4 huge thick slabs of granite, placed in Elbert County, Georgia, USA) where these 10 agenda items are chiseled into the Granite in 8 historical languages ! (better known as Satan’s 10 Commandments)

These Luciferian agenda items are carried out worldwide by the Vatican’s global political governing body called; “The United Nations” created and paid for by the Vatican bankers (since 1831); the Rothschild Banking Empire.   The United Nations has a number of subsidiary organizations such as; “The Security Council”/“the General Assembly” and “the WHO” (World Health Organization) Their most important and also first-mentioned agenda item is; reducing the total world population to 500 million (in harmony with mother nature, according to their vision) In other words; The Vatican wants to kill 6.5 Billion people between 2022 and 2050.

After both politically planned World Wars, it has been shown to them, that such a plan will only be feasible in the form of a worldwide vaccination plan, which will eventually have a deadly effect between 5 and 15 years. This injection almost completely destroys both the fertility and the immune system of both men and women.   However,…how do you get the world population so ignorent and brainwashed, that they will willingly accept such an injection ? … just like the Jews supposedly had to; “take a shower” in the Auschwitz gas chambers for hygienic reasons !  Well,… that answer is right in front of our eyes !  You make up a worldwide bullshit story about a so-called extremely dangerous virus, which will be a threat to the entire world population, if they do not wear a nonsensical and insignificant face mask and, on which most people, (after this worldwide brainwashing) accept this so-called vaccine injection, for their own safety and health !

If, over time, billions of people die from this,… THEN the WHO’s answer to this will be again….Covid-19 !   This is why we are now seeing, step by step, an EMERGENCY LAW in all countries that wipes out all rights of citizens. This emergency law obliges you to have yourself injected, and for those who do not want the injection, there will be a ban on working, entering shops/banks/all public facilities including hospitals etc. etc., by means of a so-called health card that one only receives after accepting this vaccine !   Life is becoming more and more a tyrranny where your only right is; keep your mouth shut/believe everything what politicians say/get in line/pay increasingly more taxes/and when you die from cancer or cardiovascular disease because of all the GMO based products in almost every supermarket worldwide, you can give almost everything to the state !

We are nothing more than slaves, and no more than a name and number on the RFID chip in your hand,which will be mandatory in the future. Just like a cow in the barn with a barcode in the ear!   The world’s population is played by the Vatican like a violin, and only a few million people worldwide realize it !  In the menu you can find under; “NWO info”, all the information, that explains topic by topic, the history of all this, since the creation of the Roman empire, and how this “hijacking” of humanity, step by step, came about ! The Vatican is a Satanical-political body with a deceptively religious disguise !

After this brief information, you may understand why so many people around the world have already moved to rural areas and made themselves self-sufficient as much as possible in order to get through the turbulent times ahead. High quality and 1000% reliable essential survival and outdoor products can mean more to you than you might like in the near future…   This only becomes really clear when worldwide electricity on a large scale deliberately goes out with yet another bullshit story such as Corona or some  variant story, and/or the supermarkets and gas stations close, to name a few examples. Then,…you will realize the times we face and how important high-quality survival products will become in the near future!  In brief;

WAKE UP and REFUSE the (eventually) mandatory and deadly vaccination !
The political leaders in every country have nothing to say. They carry out the will of the U.N. The worldwide political stage is one big puppet theater of high-treason traitors to disguise the actual administrators (the Vatican) and its true agenda !  The slogan on this site; -PREPARE YOURSELF- is therefore by no means a hollow/meaningless or random chosen sales header !

The information above is available to everyone on the internet through Encyclopeadia Brittannica, or any other source of trustworthy information, or via the website of the United Nations itself or through thousands of books and youtube channels, of which only a few of them are given below;

* David Icke

(World-Wide Wake-up/Awaken awaken awaken/The biggest secret/Human race get off your knees/The trigger/Children of the matrix/The answer)


* Dr. John Coleman

(Conspirators hierarchy/One world order/Tavistock Institute/Socialism, the road to slavery/We fight for oil)


* Prof. Dr. Eric Jon Phelbs

(All roads lead to Rome/Vatican assasins 1+2+3)


* Prof. Jordan Maxwel

(Matrix of power/That old time religion/ Cosmocrats/The book your church does not want you to read/Bringing light to a world in darkness/The naked truth/The reptilians/Hidden in plain sight/The dawn of a new day)


* Santos Bonacci

(Law & language/Geelong part 1)


* Francis Richard Conolly

(From JFK to 911)


* Prof. Dr. Edward Griffin

(The creature from Jeckill island/World without cancer)


* Jim Mars

(The Terror Conspiracy/Inside Job/The War on Freedom /Rule by Secrecy/PSI Spies /Alien/Everything you want to know/Whats really going on)


* Michael Rivero

(All wars are Banker wars)


* Rosa Koire

(Behind the green mask, U.N. Agenda 21)


Some Things Worth Knowing;
Definition of the word politician: “a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain personal advancement or within an organization with an agenda.” or “Cunning and untrustworthy person”

The Oath of a Jesuit:
“ I promise and declare that, if the opportunity arises, I will secretly and openly wage incessant war against all heretics, Protestants,Freemasons and other non-Catholics, as I have been instructed, to exterminate them from all over the earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that I will hang, burn, destroy, cook, skin, strangle, and bury alive these detestable heretics; tear up their wives’ stomachs and wombs, and crush the heads of their children against the walls, that their detestable race may be cut off. That when this cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the dagger, or the lead bullet, regardless of rank, honor, or status of the person, whatever the living conditions public and private, at any time I am instructed to do so by agents of the Pope or Grand Master of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.”





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