
-prepare yourself-



In the small world of rifle scopes, there is an immense range of products, which means that the consumer can no longer see the trees through the forest. SurvivalJack has selected the best products through this sea of ​​products and also made them available at a very attractive price.

Let’s start by keeping it clear and first giving an overview of what types of rifle scopes exist.

  • Regular optical viewers
  • Red Dot viewers
  • Digital Infra Red Night vision devices
  • Thermal / heat scopes

These are the 4 types of viewers that make up 99% of the total market. We walk through it step by step.



Optical rifle scopes are optics which do  not contain any complex technology, except only the optics of cut glass. This is by far the best choice for most hunting scenarios if you want to hunt in daylight. These optical riflescopes are also much less fragile as Thermal / heat riflescopes or Infrared riflescopes … They can take a beating, and are also much cheaper to buy. It is therefore much more sensible, if you do not necessarily have to hunt at night, to simply purchase an optical rifle scope instead of a Thermal / heat rifle scope or an Infrared rifle scope. Unless you have too much money!  The pros and cons of Optical viewers are shown below;

1) Relatively cost-effective.
2) Less complex and fragile technique which makes it much less vulnerable to shocks and blows.
3) More or less maintenance-free.
4) Hardly usable during night hours.



Red Dot rifle scopes are binoculars that only contain glassware without or with optical magnification, accompanied by an electronic center, in the form of a round dot, which has a red color as the name suggests. The big advantages of Red Dot rifle scopes are;

1) That they are relatively inexpensive to purchase because they contain relatively little expensive or complex electronic technology.
2) As a result, the housing and technology can handle a lot of brutal force without incurring too much damage…. In other words; Indestructible !



Infra Red rifle scopes are viewers that use invisible infrared light that is emitted and reflected on the infrared light-sensitive part in the viewer, which is then electronically converted as an image…. The 2 major disadvantages of this technique are;

1) If the object of hunting is hiding behind bushes, trees or other obstacles, the hunting object you want to shoot is not visible.
2) When hunting with fog or rain, the image is very minimal or nothing as the infrared light is reflected by fog and rain. The denser the fog or rain, the heavier this effect. However, if the weather is clear and dry and one wants to observe or hunt wildlife at night,…an infrared viewer produces a lot more detailed image than a heat viewer. So digital infrared viewers both have their limitations, as pro’s and cons !



Thermal / heat rifle scopes work according to a completely different technique than Infrared rifle scopes. Thermal / heat viewers have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Below, a summary of them.

1) Thermal / heat rifle scopes are not sensitive to light or darkness. These viewers provide the same images both during the day and at night or even in 100% complete darkness!
2) Thermal / heat rifle scopes are also not sensitive to weather conditions like digital infrared scopes. In fog or rain, an infrared scope provides the same image as without fog or rain.
3) A thermal / heat telescope sees a hunting object such as a boar or a deer almost as clearly behind a bush as in front of a bush. On the other hand, a deer behind a bush is absolutely invisible with a digital infrared viewer! A very significant difference during the hunt!
4) The disadvantage, however, is that a thermal / heat viewfinder does not provide a razor-sharp image of the hunting object. In the first instance it is not an optical image, but a warmth image. Heat always radiates because all forms of heat in any physical object are always subject to radiation. This means that when heat radiates, one can NEVER expect a tight and sharply defined image from any thermal device.



SurvivalJack has choosen the best products in this field available worldwide regarding the following issues;

  • Quality of technique
  • Performance
  • Physical quality
  • Maintainance-free aspect
  • Functions
  • Ease of use
  • Service level of producer
  • Warrantee period of producer
  • Price of the product

When one takes all the issues above in account, there are no better choices in the field of rifle scopes than our collection. We realize it is a rather bold statement,…but we can back our findings up, and dare anyone to prove us wrong !  The big advantage of hunting with one of the types of viewers is that it is easier to hit prey and therefore increases the chance of survival in the wild, than without rifle scopes. That in itself means that your survival situation generates a lot less stress, making it more pleasant to stay in the wilderness.  One consequence of this is, for example, that the proceeds of the hunt can be cooked directly in the form of food, certainly also in the form of a fish, which involves less work. You can then enjoy the campfire sooner in an easy chair or by the warm-colored light of a flashlight. With a rifle scope it is also much better to hunt from a distance from a kayak or even hunt with a bow that makes no noise. So you also have more time to crawl into your hammock or into your sleeping bag while you are still wearing your pants and jacket. Nice and easy and relaxed.



This is what makes the difference between living in the wild and surviving. SurvivalJack only sells 1st class material of superior quality that should last a lifetime. This, in combination with the right amount of knowledge and skills, makes survival a relaxed and healthy way of life, where the outside world is basically no longer needed.



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